
گروه تجاري جهاني عياران

Currency exchange at Seven Star Exchange

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Seven Star is a reliable exchange with a history in currency exchange, money transfer, and issuance of all kinds of remittances. Seven Star International Exchange initially started its work in Southeast Asia, and after achieving consecutive successes, it expanded its activity all over the world. Our specialty is buying and selling all kinds of foreign currencies and digital currency. If you are looking for a safe and fast transaction anywhere in the world, you can contact our support team for free.

our services at Seven Star Exchange:

• Buying and selling all kinds of corporate, private and personal currency remittances

• Expert in trading common and encrypted currency

• Providing foreign currency loans and international guarantees

• Commercial and successful investments

• Global financial market analysis


Siam Legal and Financial Institute

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Siam Legal Group is a specialized and official institution in the field of legal, financial and accounting. Siam Legal has the ability to provide services in Persian, French, Arabic and English languages ​​at different international levels. Siam Group's activities includes all legal services, international trade laws, legal issues of foreign investment, registration and issuance of all types of official power of attorney, tax files, settlement of international commercial disputes, registration of companies inside and outside the company, ... . Siam Legal Group is at the service of all pepole and organizations by using the most experienced and specialized lawyers and having a powerful management system.

Examples of Siam's legal activities:

All services of official documents and power of attorney

Free consultation and private research

Company registration at domestic and foreign levels

Settlement of commercial and criminal lawsuits


Seven Star residential immigration complex

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matters. The best successful immigration consultants and reputable immigration lawyers are ready to provide the necessary guidance in the field of obtaining various visas, residence, academic admissions and scholarships. Also, with its many years of credibility, Seven Star has shown that it can offer the safest and most successful immigration and residency methods such as work, marriage, group and family immigration to all travel and immigration lovers.

Some of the Seven Star services are:

Fast obtaining all types of visas

Consulting and obtaining all types of academic admissions and scholarships

Registration and action for permanent residence and obtaining citizenship

Immigration through trade and investment

Company registration and business or investment immigration

Legal and effective protection of refugees


Siam Petrochemical and Petroleum Products International Company

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Siam Oil Company is active in the field of buying and selling petrochemical and oil products with a brilliant history. Siam's activity at the international level is specified at export, import, high quality and profitable international sales. Siam Oil covers the potential in the fields of trading petrochemical and petroleum products, gas condensate, chemical solvents and other related goods. Siam International Oil Company serves all people and businesses in the country and other international levels with support every day and around the clock.

Sample services of this company includes:

  • All petroleum products
  • Export and import of all types of petrochemical products and derivatives
  • Distribution and purchase of all types of gas condensate, LPG, ...
  • Buying and selling all kinds of chemical solvents
  • Successful investments


Ayaran Investment Company

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Ayaran Holding is an investment management company with successful reputation for many years in southeast markets that it has been able to provide valuable services to every single customer all around the world. This holding has been active by managing several companies such as, Seven-star group and Siam companies in various fields economic, currency, legal and cultural.

The specialized services of Ayaran Holding companies are:

  • Ayaran Global Business Group: active in the field of digital marketing, consulting, all kinds of modern marketing methods and …
  • Tejarat Siam Company: export and import of all kinds of dry fruits, foodstuffs, industrial goods and …
  • Siam Oil Company: buying and selling all kinds of petrochemical products, petroleum products and … in the international level
  • Siam Legal Group: active in legal, financial and accounting fields
  • Seven Star Immigration Group: processing and obtaining all kinds of tourist visas, work visas and … up to immigration and permanent residence
  • Seven Star Exchange Group: active in the field of currency exchange, digital currency, money transfer and …



Ayyaran international digital marketing company

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Ayyaran Global investment company is a specialized digital marketing company. AT Ayaran Global Business group we provide the best consultation and modern marketing strategies along with analyzation of the market so you would be the best in your business. Our experienced and successful staff has the best advertising techniques in mind for you so that you can turn your business into a worthy and valuable business. Ayaran's efficient global business support staff is ready to answer to all your questions 24 hours from all over the world. With us, you can think about global markets and ask us for international business practices.

Some of our services are:

• Website design and launch

• Production of green content

• Types of marketing analysis methods

• The latest digital marketing services

• Business growth and marketing consulting

• Effective digital marketing strategy and marketing analysis

• Internet advertising and email marketing


Siam Trading Group

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The Siam international business company with using the perfectional managers

The international unit of Tejarat Siam Company, with experienced managers, is with the dear businessmen and businesswomen from the beginning to the end. This business group has been able to provide the most appropriate answers to all the needs of buying and selling food products, industrial goods, etc. by using the world's specialized techniques in the field of international export and import, as well as a variety of transportation methods at different levels of the world. Some of the services of Tejarat Siam Company are:

•international trading

• Business communication inside and outside the country

• Clearance of all types of goods

• Buying and selling and distributing goods

• Customs actions from A to Z

• Conclusion of government and international contracts

• Successful investments



تبادل ارزي در صرافي سون استار

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سون استار يك صرافي معتبر و با سابقه در تبادل ارزي، انتقال پول، صدور انواع حواله است. صرافي بين المللي سون استار در ابتدا كار خود را جنوب شرقي آسيا آغاز كرد و پس كسب موفقيت‌هاي پياپي، فعاليت خود را در سراسر جهان گسترش داد. تخصص ما خريد و فروش انواع ارزهاي خارجي و ارز ديجيتال است. اگر به دنبال يك معامله امن و سريع در هر نقطه از جهان هستيد مي‌توانيد با تيم پشتيباني ما به طور رايگان تماس حاصل فرماييد.

نمونه خدمات ما در صرافي سون استار:

  • ·         خريد و فروش انواع حوالجات ارزي شركتي، خصوصي و شخصي
  • ·         متخصص در تريد انواع ارز رايج و رمزنگاري شده
  • ·         ارائه وام‌هاي ارزي و ضمانت ‌نامه‌هاي بين المللي
  • ·         سرمايه گذاري‌هاي تجاري و موفق
  • ·         تحليل بازار مالي جهاني



سرعت – دقت – اعتماد (سدا) 




مجموعه مهاجرتي اقامتي سون استار

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گروه مهاجرتي سون استار متخصص و پيشگام در انواع امور مهاجرتي و اقامتي است. بهترين مشاوران موفق مهاجرتي و وكلاي معتبر مهاجرتي مجموعه آماده هستند تا راهنمايي‌هاي لازم را در زمينه اخذ انواع ويزا، اقامت، پذيرش تحصيلي و بورسيه تحصيلي، ارائه دهند. همچنين سون استار با اعتبار چندين ساله خود نشان داده كه مي‌تواند امن‌ترين و موفق‌ترين روش‌هاي مهاجرتي و اقامتي مانند مهاجرت كاري، ازدواج، گروهي و خانوادگي به تمامي دوستداران سفر و مهاجرت عرضه دارد.

نمونه‌اي از انواع خدمات سون استار:

اخذ سريع انواع ويزا

مشاوره و اخذ انواع پذيرش تحصيلي و بورسيه تحصيلي

ثبت و اقدام براي اقامت دائم و اخذ شهروندي

مهاجرت از طريق تجارت و سرمايه گذاري 

ثبت شركت و مهاجرت كسب و كار يا سرمايه گذاري

حمايت حقوقي و موثر از پناهندگان


اعتماد – مهاجرت – نتيجه (امن)




موسسه حقوقي و مالي سيام

۲۴ بازديد

گروه حقوقي سيام نهادي تخصصي و رسمي در حوزه حقوقي، مالي و حسابداري است. حقوقي سيام توانايي ارائه خدمات به زبان‌هاي فارسي، فرانسوي، عربي و انگليسي در سطوح مختلف بين المللي را دارد. گسنره فعاليت گروه سيام شامل تمامي خدمات حقوقي، قوانين تجارت بين الملل، مسائل حقوقي سرمايه گذاري خارجي، ثبت و صدور انواع وكالت نامه‌هاي رسمي، پرونده‌هاي مالياتي، حل و فصل اختلافات تجاري بين المللي، ثبت شركت‌ها در داخل و خارج از شركت و .. است. گروه حقوقي سيام با بهره گيري از متخصصين و مجرب‌ترين وكلاي پايه يك دادگستري و دارا بودن سيستم مديريتي قدرتمند در خدمت تمام افراد، ارگان‌ها و سازمان‌ها است.

نمونه فعاليت‌هاي حقوقي سيام:

تمامي خدمات اسناد رسمي و وكالت نامه‌ها

مشاوره رايگان و ارائه تحقيق خصوصي

ثبت شركت در سطوح داخل و خارج كشور

حل و فصل دعاوي حقوقي تجاري و كيفري




(نگاهي نو به قانون با سيام) 
