
گروه تجاري جهاني عياران

Seven Star Exchange

۲۸ بازديد

Seven Star Exchange is a leader in providing currency exchange, money transfer and business services, which has many years of effective and profitable work experience in Southeast Asia. Seven Star, reputable in the field of investment and common currencies and digital currency, is proud to provide quality, reliable and competent services to dear compatriots all over the world with its valuable experience. Seven Star Exchange has been able to provide the safest, effortless and fastest services to its customers by fully mastering the financial markets of Southeast Asia and benefiting from a successful and experienced staff in more than 28 countries.

;Our services include

  • Types of foreign exchange transfers (personal and corporate)
  • Buying and selling all kinds of digital currency
  • Buying and selling all kinds of common and encrypted currencies
  • Currency exchange and money transfer all over the world
  • Foreign currency loans and valid guarantees


گروه بين المللي مهاجرتي سون استار

۱۹ بازديد

گروه مهاجرتي سون استار با تجربه چندين ساله در زمينه تحصيل، كار و اقامت دائم از طريق سرمايه گذاري، معتبرترين و بهترين گزينه براي دانشجويان، سرمايه گذاران، بازرگانان و تمامي كساني است كه به دنبال راهي مطمئن و قانوني به آينده اي روشن هستند.

خدمات ما شامل:

-  درخواست سفر و اخذ ويزا

-  درخواست شهروندي يا كارت اقامت دائم و حمايت از پناهندگان

-  مهاجرت تحصيلي، ازدواج، كار، خانواده

-  ثبت شركت يا سرمايه گذاري و BOI




گروه مهاجرتي سون استار

۳۲ بازديد

گروه مهاجرتي سون استار با تكيه بر اعتبار چندين ساله و تخصص بالاي خود توانسته در عرصه انواع اقدامات مهاجرتي به مراجعين خود بهترين و مطمئن‌ترين روش‌هاي مهاجرتي را ارائه دهد. سون استار متخصص در اخذ ويزاهاي تحصيلي، كاري، توريستي، سرمايه گذاري، ازدواج، كسب و كار و .. بوده و هميشه بهترين و سريع‌ترين روش امكان اخذ اقامت را با توجه به شرايط افراد عرضه مي‌‌دارد. گروه مهاجرتي سون استار با كادري موفق، ارائه دهنده بهترين راه هاي مهاجرتي و اقامت قانوني به تمام اقشار متقاضي اعم از دانشجويان، تجار، سرمايه گذاران و .. است. در واقع گروه مهاجرتي سون استار براي كساني كه به دنبال راهي مطمئن و قانوني براي آينده‌اي روشن هستند، به بهترين نحو ممكن آماده خدمت رساني است.

 خدمات ما شامل: 

v    اخذ انواع ويزا

v    انواع مهاجرت تحصيلي، ازدواج، كار، گروهي و خانوادگي

v    توانا در درخواست و اخذ شهروندي يا كارت اقامت دائم

v    ثبت شركت يا سرمايه گذاري و "BOI"

v    حمايت از پناهندگان

اعتماد – مهاجرت – نتيجه (امن)



Seven Star Immigrant

۳۶ بازديد

Many years of experience in obtaining study, work and permanent residence through investment, it is the most prestigious and best option for students, investors, businessmen and all those who are looking for a safe and legal path to a bright future.

;Our services include

- Apply to travel & Visa

- apply for citizenship or permanent resident card and refugee protection

- Immigrate Study, Marriage, Work, Family

- Register Company or Investment and BOI




Seven Star Immigration Group

۲۹ بازديد


Seven Star Immigration Group, relying on its many years of credibility and high expertise, has been able to provide its clients with the best and most reliable immigration methods in the field of immigration procedures. Seven Star is a specialist in obtaining study, work, tourist, investment, marriage, business, etc and always offers the best and fastest way to obtain residence according to the conditions of individuals. Seven Star Immigration Group, with its successful staff, provides the best ways of immigration and legal residence to all types of applicants, including students, businessmen, investors, etc. In fact, Seven Star Immigration Group is ready to serve in the best possible way for those who are looking for a safe and legal way for a bright future.

;Our services include

  • Obtaining all types of visas
  • Types of educational, marriage, work, group and family migration
  • Ability to apply for and obtain citizenship or permanent residence card
  • Registration of company or investment and "BOI"

Support for refugees



گروه جهاني حقوقي سيام

۱۷ بازديد

گروه حقوقي سيام ارائه دهنده خدمات چند زبانه (فارسي، فرانسوي، انگليسي و عربي) به مشتريان در سطح بين المللي. اين شركت در بسياري از زمينه هاي حقوقي از جمله مالكيت معنوي، فناوري پيشرفته، تجديد ساختار كسب و كار، شركت ها، اشتغال، تجارت بين المللي، سرمايه گذاري خارجي، نفت و گاز، ماليات، مجوزهاي كار، دعاوي تجاري و داوري، تخصص گسترده اي دارد.

خدمات ما شامل:

- خدمات اسناد رسمي

- تحقيق خصوصي

- خدمات دعاوي حقوقي

- وكالت نامه



گروه حقوقي سيام

۳۱ بازديد

گروه حقوقي سيام پيشگام در ارائه خدمات تخصصي حقوقي، به چند زبان فارسي، فرانسوي، انگليسي و عربي در سطح مجامع بين المللي است. حقوقي سيام در طيف وسيعي از خدمات حقوقي و حتي كيفري از جمله تجارت بين الملل، سرمايه گذاري خارجي، دعاوي تجاري و داوري، مالكيت معنوي، اخذ تمام مجوزهاي كاري، تنظيم انواع وكالت نامه، ماليات، تجديد ساختار كسب و كار، اشتغال، نفت و گاز، شركت‌ها و .. با كادري مجرب، فعاليت دارد. گروه حقوقي سيام از ابتدا تا انتهاي مسير حقوقي و قانوني، مراجعين را با منحصربه‌فردترين شيوه ممكن همراهي مي‌كند.

خدمات ما شامل:

v    خدمات اسناد رسمي و ثبت شركت ها

v    تحقيق خصوصي و مشاوره رايگان

v    خدمات دعاوي حقوقي ، كيفري و تجاري

v    وكالت نامه رسمي و بين المللي

(نگاهي نو به قانون با سيام)



CS Laws and Accounting

۳۰ بازديد

law firm providing multi-lingual (Persian, French, English and Arabic) legal and paralegal services to clients internationally. The firm has extensive expertise in most areas of the law including intellectual property, high technology, business restructuring, corporations, employment, international trade, foreign investment, oil and gas, taxation, work permits, commercial litigation and arbitration.

;Our services include

- Notary Service

- Private Investigation

- Litigation Services

- Power of Attorney



Siam Legal Group

۳۴ بازديد

Siam Legal Group is a pioneer in providing specialized legal services in Persian, French, English and Arabic languages at the international level. Siam Legal provides a wide range of legal and even criminal services, including international trade, foreign investment, commercial litigation and arbitration, intellectual property, obtaining all work permits, setting up all types of power of attorney, taxation, business restructuring, employment, oil and gas, companies, etc., operate with experienced staff. Siam Legal Group accompanies clients from the beginning to the end of the legal process in the most unique way possible.

;Our services include

Official documents and company registration services

Private research and free consultation

Legal, criminal and commercial litigation services

Official and international power of attorney



Commerce Siam Petroleum

۳۳ بازديد

Commerce Siam Petroleum covers procurement, import, export and international trade in several products including: crude oil, condensate, LPG, petroleum and petrochemical products, chemical solvents, crude palm oil, refined palm oil, palm kernel shells and other commodities.

;Our services include

- Crude Oil and derivatives

- Petroleum Products

- Petrochemicals Products
